Friday, February 17, 2012

Another great foundations class

Today we worked on a simple, yet effective way to break the closed guard, followed by 2 ways to transition into side control once the guard is broken.

While in someone closed guard, glue your opponents hips to the ground with your arms by grabbing their gi pants. Do not go for their belt as that can move. Next, stick your knee under their butt and turn your other leg outward towards their foot. Make sure your posture is good, and you are looking up. As you extend your leg, jam your elbows into their thigh and the guard will break.

Now that the guard is broken, grab the gi pants at the knee of the leg in front of you. Force that leg to the ground, while sliding your arm under the opposite leg. Jame your shoulder into their belly and hop your outstretched legs over the controlled leg into side control. Once you get over, place your outside knee against their thigh to prevent them from rolling. This will also free up your grip from their pants, which can now be used to underhook their neck. You can either leave your knee as is, or for greater control, slide your arm under their legs and get a grip on the pants on the opposite leg.

The other guard pass variation involved the same setup, however instead of rotating over the leg, you stack their other underhooked leg against their chest and rotate to the side of the stack.

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